Cashback Campaign

Terms and Conditions of “EXPATRIATES CASHBACK” Campaign


The company GENERALI SEGUROS Y REASEGUROS, S.A.U. (hereinafter GENERALI), which has its registered address at Paseo de las Doce Estrellas no. 4, 28042 Madrid and is the holder of Corporate Tax Code (NIF) A48037642, is organising a national Promotion running from 27th of August to 25th of November 2024 both inclusive. This Promotion is for (i) those new customers with no insurance policies issued by GENERALI (through any of its brands) and (ii) those current GENERALI customers who buy a new life-risk insurance policy, motor insurance policy or home insurance policy under Generali ON brand sold by an expatriate GENERALI agent and who meet the requirements as stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, as follows:

  • The Promotion shall include all new purchases of GENERALI life-risk insurance, motor insurance or home insurance from one of the company’s expatriate agents, in accordance with the segmentation established by GENERALI, as follows:

    • Expatriate segment under the Expatriate code.
    • Promotion also includes the individual codes for agents who are outside the Expatriate segment but whose individual codes include expatriate activities.
    • Exclusions: Agents Buenogar (master code: 07 3912187) and Abbeygate (master code: 29 3912955).

    These new purchases do not include risk already covered under a GENERALI insurance policy, regardless of the GENERALI brand. In case of current customers, it shall be an additional insurance policy.

  • The Promotion is not open to Spanish nationals. It is only open to foreign nationals with residence in Spain, in accordance with Spanish law.
  • The Promotion is not open to employees of GENERALI or their relatives, individuals involved in the organisation of the Promotion, or anyone who has otherwise participated (whether directly or indirectly) in said Promotion.
  • In order to qualify, the policies must have been taken out and entered into effect within the above period. Replacements are excluded.
  • This Promotion is not compatible with (or useable in conjunction with) any other promotions.
  • This Promotion comprises an Incentive that applies to policies that are paid for by direct debit and have a minimum premium, as detailed in the Third Condition of these Terms and Conditions.



GENERALI will launch a Promotion at national level for (i) those new customers with no-insurance policies issued by GENERALI (through any of its brands) and (ii) those current GENERALI customers who buy a new life-risk insurance policy, motor insurance policy or home insurance policy under Generali On brand sold by an expatriate GENERALI’S agent, during the established period of time and in accordance with this Terms and Conditions, hereinafter referred to as “Participants”.

Participants must be foreign nationals with residence in Spain (according to Spanish law) new customers, with no-policies in force issued by GENERALI, or current customers who want to buy an additional insurance policy, who shall buy the new insurance policy by an expatriate agent of an agent who has been authorized by GENERALI to act in expatriate activities.



Participants shall receive a reimbursement of 50 euros (gross) (hereinafter the “Incentive”). This Incentive shall be applied upon payment of the premium by direct debit, provided one of the products included in the Promotion has been purchased and the following conditions are met:

  • Motor insurance policy:
    • Products E11 + E21
    • Minimum premium of €430 to qualify for the Incentive in mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands, and €330 in the Canary Islands.
  • Home insurance policy:
    • Product HU2
    • Minimum premium of €300 to qualify for the Incentive in mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands, and €200 in the Canary Islands.
  • Life risk insurance policy:
    • Products AMW + VL1
    • Minimum premium of €200 to qualify for the Incentive.

The Incentive shall be paid by bank transfer into the account that was used by the Participant to pay the corresponding premium for the qualifying insurance policy. Reimbursement shall only apply to direct debits paid from bank accounts within the SEPA area. For direct debits paid from outside the SEPA area, GENERALI reserves the right to select alternative payment methods for the Incentive.

By virtue of taking part in the Promotion, Participants assume responsibility for any and all of the tax-related implications that may arise following receipt of the Incentive, and exempt GENERALI from any responsibility in relation.

The Terms and Conditions of this Promotion are available at:



In the event that GENERALI detects any form of anomaly, or suspects that a Participant may be impeding the normal progression of the Promotion (e.g. by unlawfully altering their entry or participation using any technical or computer-based method to falsify said participation), it reserves the right to unilaterally remove the entry of the Participant in question. In this respect, it should be noted that GENERALI has adopted all of the necessary technological measures to detect any potentially fraudulent actions, anomalies or misconduct that have been designed to alter participation in the Promotion with the aim of unlawfully obtaining the Incentive. Consequently, GENERALI reserves the right to remove the entries of any Participants who are shown to have acted irregularly, or are suspected of having acted irregularly, as described above.



Participation in this Promotion implies full and unconditional acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, as well as GENERALI's criterion in the resolution of any conflict that may arise in their interpretation.

In the event that any Participant refuses to accept these Terms and Conditions or performs any acts contrary to them, he/she will be automatically excluded from the Promotion and from the Incentive inherent to the same, and GENERALI will be released from fulfilling any obligation agreed with said Participant by reason of the present Promotion.

In cases of force majeure or in the event of a justifiable cause, GENERALI reserves the right to modify or even cancel these Terms and Conditions before the end of the publication period, undertaking to communicate with sufficient notice of any change in these Terms and Conditions or their cancellation.



The claim period for this Promotion shall end 60 calendar days after the end of the promotional period, and no claims will be accepted after the expiration of the claim period.



The Participant guarantees the veracity and integrity of all the data provided and undertakes to keep them updated, being responsible for all damages caused to GENERALI or third parties for providing incomplete, incorrect or false data.

The provision and electronic processing of personal data is obligatory, being necessary for the management of the Promotions. Failure to provide personal data will be considered an incomplete participation and the Participant will be excluded from the Promotion. For the management of the Promotion, the Participants' personal data will be communicated to providers of marketing services, IT services, and customer service.

The data provided by the Participant will be subject to automated processing. Under the terms of the law, the rights of access to the personal data collected, its rectification or deletion, as well as the rights of limitation and objection to the processing, and the portability of the data provided, which may be exercised with Generali Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A.U., here, indicating in the description of the request the subject "Expatriates Cashback".

In relation to the collection and processing of your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint with GENERALI or with the Spanish Data Protection Authority (AEPD) if you consider that a breach of data protection legislation has been committed with respect to the processing of your personal data.

For further information, you should consult the Privacy and Data Protection Policy and the Cookies Policy.



All relevant tax provisions shall be applicable to the Incentive set forth in these Terms and Conditions, according to the Spanish legislation in force. Thus, it must be taken into consideration that, in accordance with the regulations governing Personal Income Tax (IRPF), the incentive of the present Promotion could be considered as a capital gain of the person who receives it.

Its delivery is not subject to the obligation of withholding tax.

In any case, the Participant shall be responsible for complying with any tax obligations that may fall upon them due to the Incentive received, and Generali shall be released from any liability whatsoever.



Legal entities; Spanish nationals; those who do not comply with GENERALI's underwriting policies; those who cannot be considered as Participant in accordance with the previous Conditions; as well as persons linked to the organisation; employees of GENERALI and their relatives and all those who have participated directly or indirectly in this Promotion may not take part in this contest.

Likewise, those who do not comply with any of the requirements established in these Terms and Conditions for access to the Promotion may not participate, and Generali shall be entitled to exclude from the Promotion those who do not comply with the requirements for access to the same, with the mechanics of participation, and even reserves the right not to deliver the Incentive, where appropriate.

GENERALI reserves the right to truncate, extend, modify or cancel this Promotion; in the event of which, it shall communicate this decision via the same channels used to publicise the Promotion. Likewise, GENERALI reserves the right to extend or reduce the period of participation in the Promotion.



GENERALI shall not be held liable for any instances of force majeure that may prevent the Participant from receiving the Incentive in full or in part. Furthermore, GENERALI shall be fully exempt from any liability in the event that any of the aforementioned circumstances occur, and from any liability resulting from any damage or detriment that may be suffered during receipt of the Incentive.

GENERALI excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the temporary lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the Website through which participation in the Promotion, telephone networks, or to the defrauding of the usefulness that Participants may have attributed to the same and, in particular, although not exclusively, to failures in access to the different webpages, and sending of participation responses via the WEBSITE or e-mails in this Promotion.

GENERALI reserves the right to remove from the Promotion, on duly justified grounds, any Participant or user who acts fraudulently, alters or otherwise impedes the smooth, normal and lawful operation of the Promotion.



By taking part in the Promotion, Participants fully accept these rules and acknowledge the authority of GENERALI to resolve any disputes that may arise in the interpretation thereof.



The Participants accept GENERALI's discretion as regards the resolution of any issue arising from this Promotion.

For any dispute that may arise in the interpretation and application of these Terms and Conditions, both GENERALI and the Participants of this Promotion expressly submit, with express waiver of any forum that may correspond to them, to the Jurisdiction of the Courts of Madrid, the governing law being that of Spanish common law.



GENERALI shall inform the Participants of any details and circumstances relating to this Promotion via the website