Generali's tips for keeping your home safe

Published on 28 May 2024

Just as we all have medical check-ups or take our cars for their MOT, we should also check our homes regularly to safeguard ourselves against unforeseen events and to avoid any unpleasant surprises. 

At Generali we want to offer you some tips on how best to avoid damage to your home and share some information about what we offer for your property in Spain. 

The most common claims are those caused by water damage. As a general rule, we always recommend shutting off the mains water if you are going away – even if it is only for a short period of time. 

There are also other small actions that you can take to prevent unintended damage. These are all simple but effective ways to keep your home protected all year round: 

  • Don't use the toilet as a rubbish bin 
  • Put filters on drains 
  • Unclog drains when they get blocked 
  • Make sure your home is well ventilated 
  • Check pipe joints 
  • Make sure there are no leaks from the cistern or taps 

Nevertheless, in the case of damage caused by water, Generali home insurance policies do offer extensive cover. Policyholders can rest assured that expenses incurred from locating the damage are covered, as is the repair and replacement of damaged parts within the confines of the home. 

Home insurance policies with Generali also cover pipe breakage, even if the leaked water doesn't cause damage, and excess water consumption can be claimed for up to €1,000 per claim each year. 

Lately – and as a result of climate change – extreme events causing significant damage to homes have become more and more common. With this in mind, coverage that includes damage due to atmospheric, meteorological, geological or seismic phenomena such as landslides, subsidence, or floods are in high demand. 

At Generali we have taken this into account and with our optional ‘Accidental All Risks’ cover, all of these scenarios are covered – even if they are not actually considered ‘extraordinary’ under current legislation. 

Our Generali home insurance policy includes comprehensive home assistance. If you get locked out of your house, we will send a locksmith out to you. And of course, you are also covered for locksmith services if your keys are lost, stolen or broken, or even if the lock has been broken in an attempted burglary, or similar situation. 

We at Generali believe that whilst it’s not compulsory by law, having a home insurance policy that is adapted to you is essential for your peace of mind. That's why Generali makes it as easy for you as possible to adapt your home policy to meet your real needs. 

What’s more, with Generali there are more than 200 expat agents and brokers that are available to assist you with face-to-face advice in your language. 

To explore the possibilities and receive a quote tailored to your needs, whether for your home, your car, your business, your boat, or a variety of other products, contact us today.

Don't leave your peace of mind to chance - take the next step to ensure you're well covered in Spain.

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